Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy birthday America!

The Fourth of July weekend is my favorite holiday!!!
There is such a wonderful gathering of celebration~
friends, family, warm weather, good food, swimming and FIREWORKS!

Our weekend began with swimming with friends all day Friday!
We cleaned up just in time for a date night at the hospital with dear friends
the Williams and Theobalds.
(They are AMAZING by the way!)

Saturday morning I went up the canyon and assisted my sister in law on a photo shoot.
She is wonderful...and so are her friends.  
As I walked down the path back to my car I could hardly believe what a beautiful world this is--
and that my home is so close to such physical majesty.
Back to the pool for swimming, tennis & pizza for the afternoon.
A bbq at our house with friends and family.
Fireworks seen from a cozy deck with dear friends and family~
while kids ran and played below. 
(Thank you Mandy!)

Sunday we were privileged to learn more about our country, 
it's military and our freedoms from a wonderful captain in the Air Force.  
I was humbled with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat.
We had a quiet day at home...with a nice evening walk.

Monday began with an early morning breakfast.
We enjoyed especially singing God Bless America & America the Beautiful with a trumpet solo.  
The boyscout color guard and flag raising, 
with hands on our hearts, was a special reminder of the importance of our nations flag.
The girls loved the children's bike parade (bike's adorned with decorations).  
Friends and family over for games and play right after....
and then movies on my bed (how did I catch a cold in JULY!?)
As the girls finished music practice and baths we heard fireworks!
We stepped out onto the deck in our pjs and I grabbed my camera.
(I don't think I will ever take firework pictures without my lensbaby again!)

I am so grateful for....
wonderful friends and family
the freedoms we enjoy in our country
men, women and families who sacrifice so much to protect those freedoms
the beauty all around us
the communities all over this country that gather and celebrate together~

Happy birthday America!


Shauna said...

Great firework pictures! I might need to get a lensbaby! :) Sounds like a fun-filled packed 4th of July!!! Did YOU really play tennis? Yay!

Tebbs Family said...

You summed it up perfectly and sounds like your 4th was as spectacular as the fireworks! John and I enjoyed walking slowly sans kids to watch the fireworks, found a great, empty space on the golf course lawn, watched the show and leisurely walked back faster than the cars could drive! Hope you feel better soon...