Monday, May 16, 2011

the greatest neighbor

As we pulled up Grandma's driveway we saw the bike parked by the door.  "Shane's here!!!"  Shane is often visiting Grandma.  You will find him taking Blossom out (the dog), vacuuming, emptying the trash, collecting the mail, fixing Grandma breakfast and yesterday I saw him replace the water on her oxygen machine.  Shane lives next door to Grandma---he is undoubtedly the greatest neighbor I have ever known.

I met Shane when Danny and I were dating.  As a young child he had a very high fever which caused brain damage.  He is one of the most generous hard working people around.  He works at a local grocery store.  He is very careful with his money.  At our reception he brought a gift.  He gift-wrapped a roll of paper towels with a note that it was from him.  That is one of the most memorable gifts we received that day and we remember it fondly. 

If Shane isn't working or at Grandma's house you will often find him constructing projects with the neighborhood kids.  Yesterday he followed us to Danny's mom's house-- actually we followed him.  He and my girls beat us over there and proudly exclaimed "We're fast!"  They went straight to the garage and found wood, rope, nails and hammers.  They had big plans of building a tree house.  They constructed, hammered, planned and talked.  No tree house was built...but a lot of fun memories.


nikki said...

I have been thinking about you and your family all weekend and I was just hopping on the computer to say hi when I saw your post. Thank goodness for people like Shane in this world. We all need a great neighbor.

I hope you are all doing well!

Connie Miller said...

He's remarkable. What a special person he is.

Annie Miller said...

What a sweet story :)

Candi said...

What would we do with out good neighbors? I have been blessed with the best neighbors. He is a special person and I agree we do need more people like him in this world! B would love to play with S!